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Human do not deserve love and affection by their surrounding including animals and beautiful nature destroyed by themselves to maintain good lifestyle. I know it is important to maintain food chain but destroying species is hilarious.

Its not anyones fault. Every person wants good lifestyles, due to that their wants increases, But their lifestyle brings them in dangerous situation.

 People thinks that mobiles is a good technology, i too agree. But harmful radiation coming from that device hurt animals which are surrounding us. 

Due to deforestation Forests are disappearing. Fishes in lakes are visible in small ratio and as water is getting harmful day by day due to industrial waste fishes will be soon disappear. Asian tigers can be counted in fingers. This is very dangerous situation where human know what they are doing but do not accepts reality.

Let me give you a small but important example of an animal got trapped in a wire. An innocent and peace loving porcupine was trapped and killed by some poachers. Forest department is searching and will take strict action against such anti social People. The Porcupine was trapped for more than 24 hours due to which a wire cut through its neck and the poor animal lost its life. SHAME 

I am not saying to stop using mobile and other harmful devices but to use them in limited manner.
 We should save all of them otherwise one day will come when dogs, cats and birds will become endangered species.

Not only flora and fauna are in danger but oil and petroleum are also now limited. Due to more use of vehicles,electricity and many other, gases are very few. These gases are non renewable and if they do so then it will take thousands of years. Even we don't know that it will exist for our succeeding generation or not...


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